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fence-post's avatar

GIMP Powertoning Script



EDIT October 9, 2008: This script has been tested in GIMP 2.6 (the newest stable version of GIMP) and it works fine with no modifications.

Based on suggestions by Insanity-Prevails (insanity-prevails.deviantart.c…, I have modified the script to allow the layers to be merged if the user so desires. Thanks for the suggestions, IP!

This script is based on a tutorial presented by gimptalk.com member, lylejk. You can view the tutorial here: (www.gimptalk.com/forum/topic/P….
Stop by and say "hi" to lylejk and tell him thanks for the great tutorial and allowing it to be put into script format.

The script takes an existing image's active layer and makes two copies: setting the Middle copy to Saturation and the Top copy to Value. The Original Layer is then filled with your choice of color. Gives a very dramatic effect and, depending on the image, somewhat resembles an Infrared Photograph.

Just download the scm file and place it in your GIMP scripts folder (ie....C:Program FilesGIMP-2.4sharegimp2.0scripts)

Then, go to the main GIMP window (not the image window) and choose the Xtns Menu > Script-FU > Refresh Scripts and it should appear in the Image Window under the Filters Menu > Decor > Power Toning....

This is my very first script so please be gentle!


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Djeva-Djeva's avatar
Very dramatic effect indeed, I really like it. Thanks!