GIMP Ocean Text Scriptsfence-post on DeviantArt

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GIMP Ocean Text Scripts



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EDIT October 9, 2008: Script updated to work in GIMP 2.6. If you have a previous version of this script, please delete it to avoid conflicts. This should still work in GIMP 2.4. The menu location for GIMP 2.6 is: File > Create > Logos > Ocean Text...

Let me know if you have any problems with it.

I've updated the Ocean Text script so that it will work in GIMP 2.2/2.4. The script was originally created by Alexander Melcher and found here:…

Click on the Download link to get the script (text file). You can download the script for GIMP 2.2 here:…

Save it to your GIMP scripts folder (ie....C:Program FilesGIMP-2.Xsharegimp2.0scripts) and then go to Filters > Script-Fu > Refresh Scripts.

For GIMP 2.4, go to Xtns > Logos > Ocean Text...
For GIMP 2.2, go to Xtns > Script-Fu > Logos > Ocean Text...

Other than moving the menu locations and modifying the code so that they would work in the new versions of GIMP, I haven't made any other changes. In the very near future, I plan on modifying these to work on open images and add additional user input for improved functionality.

Let me know if you run into any problems. Enjoy!

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vitforlinux's avatar

I made a new version for gimp 2.10 and 2.99.19... remove the old one before installing the new one.

see source script-fu: