My name is Caleb Hilston
Age 19
Height 5' 6-ish"
I'm an artist, I prefer to draw with pencils but occasionally I will do it digitally, usually if it's for something quick.
I am very slow in my art though, it takes me forever to complete something if it's not for a contest or something.
I am also a musician, I play bass guitar, and I dabble in piano. I'm an amateur bassist, as I can't play much yet. Still working on the simpler stuff.
And I'm also a voice actor. I like doing voices for characters that either goofy, tough, or just plain evil. I have trouble voicing good guys.
Feel free to click the watch button if you enjoy my art. I do take requests, but because of my pace I cannot take more than 5. Message me about requests and I'll tell you if I'm up to it, or if I can fit one in.
Fell is my OC. He is a separate being from me. So do not get the idea that I am a furry, because I'm not.
That's all!
Current Residence: yes
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Metal (and all according subgenres...) Alternative, Country, Indie, funk, soul, punk, bluegrass, Chillwave, new wave, electronic, classical, industrial
Operating System: Mac OSX
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano 4g
Skin of choice: Mine
Favourite cartoon character: Dinobot
Personal Quote: MWAHAHAHAHAhA