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FelipeCagno's avatar

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:star::star::star:LOST KIDS ART CONTEST BEGINS NOW!:star::star::star:


Draw a Lost Kids Cover!


:winner: 1st Place: $250 :winner:
:trophy: 2nd Place: $150 :trophy:
:w00t: 3rd Place: $100 :w00t:

:wave: But wait! That is not all! :wave:

All Top Three Winners will have their work as Covers/Variant Covers for the Lost Kids comic books to be published late 2012!

It should also be noted that all three winners will also receive a copy of the comic book their cover will be featured on, just thought I would put this out there ;)


:bulletred: Easy! Draw one or more characters from the Lost Kids universe in any way you imagine (i.e. sketch card, pin-up, B/W, CGI, Digital or Traditional Art, etc)

:bulletred: Artwork must be 11x17in in size and with at least 300dpi

:bulletred: Your layout must leave room for the Lost Kids logo but do not include it in your art.

:bulletred: Check out our website for more information about all the characters and feel free to download the entire screenplay available online right here www.the-lost-kids.com/Seeking%… if you feel like drawing a scene from it

:bulletred: As many entries per contestant as you like, feel free to do a series of covers if you want, keep it PG-13.

:bulletred: Submit by featuring it in your own gallery with a link or avatar back to this page, then "note" or email me a link to your image. Your entry is confirmed when it is featured in their own folder: fcagno.deviantart.com/gallery/… and on the Lost Kids Official Group.

:email: felipecagno@hotmail.com

Important: By participating on this contest, if your artwork is chosen as one of the top three winners, you hereby authorize your artwork to be used as a Cover/Variant Cover to a Lost Kids issue to be determined by the Editor.


Entry must be received by 11:59:59 PM (PT) on June 17th, 2012. If it is received after the due date, it will be considered a Fan Art gift. We will NOT extend the contest deadline.


Every entry will be evaluated by our panel of judges placed in order as their top five picks. We will average the votes and the top three best reviewed artworks will be crowned winners.

Panel of Judges

:iconartgerm: Stanley is one of the top artists on the planet, having extensively worked for DC Comics and Capcom among other companies.

:icongenzoman: Genzo has worked extensively for Udon and other big companies and is probably the biggest artist on DA.

:icondust-bite: Torri is the "Cartoons and Comics" CV from the DA community and an incredible talented artist taking DD suggestions.

:iconshwann: Everybody knows DJ Shwann around here and I can't think of a better authority on Art Contests.

:iconsaiyagina: Gina is just one of those artists that wows you with everything she works on, it is incredible!

:iconcarlosgomezartist: Carlos is probably one of the best line artists around, his pencils are so incredibly detailed it's awesome!

:iconredeve: Our very own and extremely talented Lost Kids colorist, he really brings out the humanity from the characters.

:iconclonerh: Another member of the Lost Kids creative team, also an amazing colorist with a very unique awesome style.

:iconeddy-swan-colors: Pulling all the stops, we also got Eddy involved, his colors skills are legendary around these parts.

:iconsurfercalavera: Representing the other half of the Lost Kids team, we have Cesar, whose pencils are beautifully detailed.

:iconbiroons: Ivan joined us this year and brought his cinematic mad pencils to our comic book.

:iconfelipecagno: Well, myself because I want to join in on the fun of picking out the best artworks!

Stay tuned for one or more two people to join the above roster and I hope you appreciate the effort these people are putting into making this the best Art Contest possible!

Last Comments

Okay, I think I got it all, if you have any questions, comments, complains, suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Also, help us spread the word about the contest and the Lost Kids, share this journal, write a Journal entry yourself, "Like" us on Facebook, any support is deeply appreciated!

Best of luck to all of you!

Note: None of the illustrations you see in my featured gallery are currently included in the contest.

:star: Have You Joined Yet?

Maybe you haven't checked out our Lost Kids Group yet but aside from our monthly feature we've also been putting together the ultimate tutorial and resources gallery, come check it out and if you got a tutorial of your own or a tutorial from someone else you would like to share with the community, please, send it our way or submit it to the group, we'll be happy to feature it!


:star: How to Write Your Own Comic

Finally I got some time to sit down and work on a new article. This one is about breaking up your story in panels and how that is a collaborative effort between the writer and artist since it's key to the narrative of the book.

Check it out at Writing 302: Action in PanelsYou may think this is solely up to the illustrator of the book but in fact it's actually a shared responsibility between writers and pencillers.

Camera Angles and Storytelling through Panels

As a writer it's your job to define the pacing and flow of the page and how your story will reach the readers. The artist's job is to take those directions, execute them as best as he can and apply his vision on top of the writer's. It is a collaborative effort and that's why writers and artists have to keep a constant communication.

Drawing a pin-up is one thing, telling a story through pictures is something else entirely. All your choices have weight

:bulletblue: Writing 101 - Find Your Ending: fav.me/d2yp1p8
:bulletblue: Writing 102 - The Outline: fav.me/d2yqvso
:bulletblue: Writing 201 - Crowd or Cast: fav.me/d2yt19l
:bulletblue: Writing 202 - What's Your Job?: fav.me/d2yxj5x
:bulletblue: Writing 203 - Nice to Meet You: fav.me/d2z8dw8
:bulletblue: Writing 204 - Lego Blocks: fav.me/d2zmqr7
:bulletblue: Writing 301 - Formatting: fav.me/d2zvobj
:bulletblue: Team Effort 101: fav.me/d30zu2i

Thanks so much for checking them out! :D

:star: Lost Kids Crew


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Journal design by pica-ae
© 2012 - 2025 FelipeCagno
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JomanMercado's avatar
yayayayaya! !! i wanna jooooin! :D