Ornamental Compass-Roses ressource packFeivelyn on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/feivelyn/art/Ornamental-Compass-Roses-ressource-pack-625796947Feivelyn

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Feivelyn's avatar

Ornamental Compass-Roses ressource pack



Ornamental Compass-Roses ressource pack for Cartorgaphy-Guild DA-group

by Feivelyn (feivelyn.deviantart.com) (feivelyn@gmail.com)


5 .png (500px) linework drawings of ornamental compass-roses.
These drawings are for non commercial use.
For commercial use or high res versions contact me.

These drawings may not:

- be reuploaded separately anywhere
- altered and reuploaded separately
- be used commercially

My logo may not be removed from them. If you do you have to credit me in some other way.

These drawings may:

- only be used in map illustrations, other kinds of illustrations are OK, as long as they are not the main element your picture is consisting of
- be altered, shaded, coloured etc. as part of your illustration

and for everything that's not clear contact me (either e-mail or DA Note)
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