feitian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/feitian/art/Lina-and-Gourry-the-Barbarian-163988800feitian

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feitian's avatar

Lina and Gourry the Barbarian



Been on a slayers binge recently.

The idea was what would it look like if I were to do these two while imitating Frank Frazetta's style. Meh, My mileage varies.


I was in the middle of anther image featuring Lina when invariably this particular group show up as a link from some of the places that I hang out, and decided that I should do something for it.

I don't know if this can be consider a proper tribute or not, since while I have seen Frank Frazetta's striking art in various places, I am not totally familiar with the world and mythos that are associated with them.

Either way, I still consider him an inspiration that influenced a generation of conceptual/fantasy and comic book artist.

Rest in peace, Frank Frazetta, I am sure it is a life worth living.
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774x1000px 281.61 KB
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Battosai16's avatar
Sweet! Slayers!