Feidhelm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/feidhelm/art/Not-accepting-points-requests-165400352Feidhelm

Deviation Actions

Feidhelm's avatar

Not accepting points requests



:shamrock: Please take a look at my actual paintings as well, not just this random junk I made out of boredom :hmm:

:target: You can find the template for this button here: :thumb167857569: by ~LumiResources
Original template by !Commander-Luminaire

Second button made, because I just needed something very big, bright and colorful to put on my page, so that people know I don't like them posting requests for points on my main page.

My previous message said:

"Points donations are an act of kindness that should not be demanded through messages, notes or any sort of requests. Just because you have a donation pool on your page doesn't mean that I am obligated to give them to you. If you leave any such messages on my page, I will flag them as spam, and if you persist, I will block you.
You have been warned. :paranoid:"

This button is free to use. No need to :+fav: it or comment to let me know that you are. Just enjoy it. :nod:
To use, copy/paste this code:

<a href="http*://feidhelm.deviantart.com/art/Not-accepting-points-requests-165400352"><img src="http*://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/146/6/1/Not_accepting_points_requests_by_Feidhelm.png" border="0"/></a>
(just delete the *)

For non-subscribers: copy/paste these codes (remove the spaces)

:icondontask4pts1 :: icondontask4pts2 :: icondontask4pts3 :: icondontask4pts4 :: icondontask4pts5 :: icondontask4pts6 :: icondontask4pts7:

Image size
386x56px 30.86 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Feidhelm
Comments have been disabled for this deviation