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Windows 8 VS for Win7



If you want a more realistic version, try this:

Beta 4
Added no-userpic version by request
Fixed a lot of minor community reported bugs.
Added a NoRedCloseButton version for ~revengexx14

Special thanks to a computer expert in psychological perfection, Francisco for pointing out improvements

Beta 3

I changed some more elements for the style to feel more modern and metroish. Some stuff, however, was improvised, so let me know if you really dislike anything there and I'll fix it real quick. :)

Notice: Giblet reports that a recent windows update may have restored uxtheme, which will make any custom themes stop working. Just simply re-patch uxtheme again.

Beta 2

Tiny adjustments:

- Fixed capition buttons on light background
- Squared taskbar previews
- Revised explorer commandbar background
- Capition font size increased slightly
- Added MetroSquared start button pack

I'm planning on making this the official VS to be included in Omnimo 5 in the future

-- revision 1

Also removed glow from titlebar buttons and made some slight adjustments
Startmenu is no longer rounded
Glitch in the frames is almost invisible now (though still here)

Okay since nobody is doing a VS yet, I decided to make a quick one for those can't test windows 8.

The style itself is VERY VERY simple, and nothing much has been changed. The only difference is how the frames look.
I included the original aero.msstyles from Windows 8 if anyone wants to take a look at it. The theme for 7 includes the wallpaper from 8 also.

The start button on the screenshot is my custom metro one. You can download the original start button from 8 here:

If you're not a fan of the new Windows 8 start button, try Metro Squared start buttons:

Comments are welcome!
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jank19's avatar

Approximately 13 years later and this theme still rocks!