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Got some catching up to do on here! Image dumps incoming!
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Alright that's enough for tonight i think, i'll upload the last couple of bands tomorrow afternoon.
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That's it for tonight, I need to sleep. If anyone is interested I'll start putting the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday's pictures up sometime late afternoon tomorrow.
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    I wanted to give a heads up to anyone who might be interested but i've just finished scouring the depths of my old hard drive for anything that might be salvageable from over my past 7 years of concert going. Turns out not as many as I thought (or hoped, man I have taken some awful photos), regardless i'll be posting any usable ones tomorrow (or today I suppose) so apologies if any in-boxes get filled with around 30 or so notifications (don't know if this is exactly how it works but hey).

    They are mostly from 2008 to 2010 because for about three years after that I had a phase of taking only video (yes, I was one of those people) so not many pictures until 2013 which thinking back is a shame.

    Anyhow. The quality of these pictures will definitely dip quite a bit as they were done using either an older Fujifilm model or my tiny Sony Cybershot Digi Camera, although a couple of the later ones were taken using my current camera. I'm putting them up though because one or two still stand with the photos i'm the most proud of.
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