Dances with Demons - WMContestfazzle on DeviantArt

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fazzle's avatar

Dances with Demons - WMContest



Wolf Mountain ([link]) is holding a contest called Witches and this would be my entry. This is Rue <3 using a Dances with Demons blessing in the middle of the shama forest...

Didnt really happen because he doesnt own that blessing but... it would be quite terrifying if someone did use theirs. :)

Been a while since ive done a halloween entry... :) Enjoy.

Please do not steal or use without permission. kthnx.
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2008x1130px 680.15 KB
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Ryft7's avatar
At first I was like 'There's only three?' Then I saw the others in the background and I was like :O

Scaryyy...! Epik job!!!