[CLOSED] in to Never design opportunity

7 min read

Deviation Actions

fayfia's avatar
UPDATE 10/01/20 - now closed! thank you to everyone who contributed, we absolutely exceeded our goal so far!

UPDATE 03/01/20 - one more week to contribute designs, we have raised $3000 usd and I am pausing fundraising for now while our developer catches up before aiming for the rest of our short term goal! I think I can achieve the rest over time with mystery sales :> thank you so much everyone who contributed! and don't forget to get your moff redemption!
countdown here

UPDATE! 12/12/19 - still following the same protocols, but now artists upload their own work after submission to the design chain (in order for me to approve it)
didn't realise I was sharing so much work xD even if it's short term but yeah, any unsold designs I will signal boost in journals and such!

hello friends! I am offering a non-paid/compensated opportunity for you to contribute to our fundraising
please read the information below about what you can make and the process for doing so, if you have a question please go here.
disclaimer; not even RA usually have the opportunity before to do this, this is supposed to be limited to players who earn the scroll to do so,
so a fundraising activity such as this may never come around again in order to be fair to those players who earned this benefit

unsold designs at the end of this event will be credited to their creators

what you can design:

available species here
premade species must have: anatomy that does not go against their species description/rules
you can change: their colours, and add accessories!
LAMMY - POD - MOFF - BANEWICK are NOT available to be designed as these are limited edition summons/pets or breeder exclusive!

unique species
if you make a unique design it needs to be 100% a one-off
you absolutely cannot use a premade species

earth animals
you can make summons that are earth animals, these fall under custom summons,
these are existing species in our world, like cats, dogs, etc - they need to be natural palettes

what do you get out of it?
absolutely nothing monetary, you are helping to contribute to our goal here, this is great for people that want to have fun or cannot contribute money directly but want to, because they don't have the funds right now, but that's ok you can contribute with designs in this way! and you can also contribute by sharing our world with other people, word of mouth is really good advertising for us :>

your first design contribution awards you with this limited edition pet:
[FAUNA] - moff - by kehts
the moff is only achievable through this opportunity! limit is one per community member.
:star: NEW :star: -> claim your moff here: www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
(it just got too difficult to keep checking who still needed one, thanks guys <3 )

ready to contribute?

artwork/design requirements:
- species rules as listed above must apply
- general design rules apply (nothing offensive, no copyrighted characters etc)
- needs to be transparent background, fully rendered, full body and shaded
- art style should be a clear visual description of the character (no painting style, easy to colourpick and distinguish colours from shading etc)
- outline should not be thick/resemble stickers if you choose to include one
- no repeated elements or symmetry tools used
- cannot be in the form of a ref sheet, and if it is, have a separate to be used on the masterlist
- no bases

by contributing you are agreeing/consenting for us to use your work on our current visual masterlist and transfer to our platform later on! you also consent for the rights of the design to be transferred to the person who purchases it as their intellectual property. you are also agreeing for me to post your art on my own account - fayfia (with credit) and selling it on your behalf and having the funds come to our project.


for some level of quality control to ensure your work is clear and distinguishable/easy to view and understand I will be doing pre-screening to approve you of contributing for this task.
please post 3-5 examples of your work here - www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
please don't just use your best examples, use realistic examples for the quality I can expect to see in your designs.
RA have automatic approval and may skip this step

design submission
once you have been approved you may submit your designs here - www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
please have them in a sta.sh, I will be selling them on my account so it has better exposure (not assuming I have more watchers than you, I just have relevant watchers, people who do follow me for this kind of world content!) after I upload them you may post them to your account as well, with a link back to the original sale deviation!

:star: design upload
submit to the group's 'open design' folder after approval on the above thread, please mark it as OPEN/CLOSED in the title, and link back to the fundraiser journals! tag me when a claim has been made, and I will finalise the transaction and upload the design :> when a design has been claimed, you can mark as closed, and I will let you know if anything falls through!

sale price
I will be selling each design based on complexity (but please try to keep designs simple and desirable), prices will start at $10 usd
if it is an artist that has high community demand, such as Chuchy (sorry for namedrop my friend) I will sell for higher, artists in this category usually know who they are and know the power of their contribution, and know that it goes a long way, this is not an attempt to exploit them.
feel free to give me a figure upon submission if you know how much it should be sold for! please don't be offended if I sell under your desired estimate if you did not communicate one with me (what I mean is, if you expect it to go for more and you didn't express how much and get upset, I won't be accountable for this)

how the designs will come to you after purchase
the sold designs will be directly uploaded to the summon masterlist, keht-summons
there will be no need to visit the conjuring cottage or use a summon token to achieve this,
nor will there be any cost for acquiring a premade summon species like there usually is (because of future breeding benefits)

final notes

truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping our world in this way,
I know on the surface this may seem like a weird way to gather funds, but I know our community, and I think this'll be a lot of fun too xD
and we all know where the money is going and I trust you believe in your investment, this is an investment for you guys too :) but not of money, just effort and time instead!
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- link to your first design submission -