This is a plz account, created by stuck-in-suburbia (, so that non-subscribers can use kitsune-lunari ('s Deviation Description Button. Just copy and paste the code to use!
~faveandcomment1plz (
Play safe kiddies! :peace:
could of just looked up mine dude i have both up and ahri and best slivervale out there even got slivers approval as well on twitter for it
Because they aren't doing it right. So that you can see the text, the artist put the middle '' : '' in bold like so ":" It doesn't work unless you un-bold it. There are also people only doing half of it. It takes 2 plz accounts to make this. The easiest way to do it is to copy the "image" directly. It'll come up as text but when you're making your comment (or description or whatever) it it will turn into a picture: