Hey there, after some lengthy consideration, I've decided to set my dA account aside. I'll be leaving my artwork up because I know a lot of people still enjoy it, especially Little Prince and my Pizza Time Theatre pieces. However, I made this account when I was 13, and started posting when I was 15, and it feels very much like I've outgrown this place.
I'm also leaving for a handful of other reasons related to dA...most of my friends have moved elsewhere, there's too much MSPaint memes and AI-generated artwork, and I found the site's "United in #PeaceForIsrael" promoted post deeply insulting as a Jewish person who. like. actually watches the news. I Am a Canadian Jew who wants Palestine to be free. As well, this website was one of the venues I could use to stay in touch with my uncle. He passed away earlier this year, and the site feels even emptier without him.
Thank you all for the support and the interactions over the years. It's an adventure I'm glad I took, and one that I