Saturday feature - Issue 002

6 min read

Deviation Actions

FatimaZahraeM's avatar

Every saturday, I will be featuring 30 or 40 deviations right from my DA favorites collection, here, as well as in my blog.

Check out the first issue and the full story here  La la la la 

In this Issue: A black and white collection :heart:

And don't forget to post your suggestions for the next Saturday feature theme in the comments section.


Spider Bridge by BigBaysen  A bridge to unknown by Chris-Lamprianidis    

 Say hello.. by MyLifeThroughTheLens  Bailed Up by simonebyrne  ...brijuni I... by roblfc1892   

Millarochy Tree, Loch Lomond by ketscha  Its a white white world.. by Betuwefotograaf  Les brumes en octobre... by vincentfavre 

 wisdom by GotaFaceLikeMurder  Soft White by dizzylizz   Mlha by Andenne  
XXXVI by lukaspeterec  II II by acukur  thinking bw version by iizmu  prsfktf by foart 

 London Eye II by Jez92  grip tight by brandyxo  .: SILENT :. by abdieft  In to the nowhere by abdieft 

  Lonely Chair by abdieft  Steel vertebras by correiae  Just Breathe by TakeMeToAnotherPlace  

 Lives by Kasperionis  Lost In The Dark by abdieft  Hanalei by robcherry  Swanage Remains by robcherry  

DAWN CURVES by puken   SWEET NIGHTMARE by puken Away on Travel by AP3RTUR3 Lives by Kasperionis 

   white flower by 7Redhotz  Forlorn by imveryconfused  Drakkar noir by kim-e-sens  blowball by augenweide 

Poles apart by DimensionSevenIn the Deep by tifalif      Levitation by Nelleke   

If you are a DA artist (or a DAholic :meow: ), and want to suggest a deviation, just leave a link to it in the comments section in this blog post or in the related DA journal.

Also, if your artwork has been featured but you wanted it removed, please feel free to contact me and I will remove it immediately.

Thank you.

© 2013 - 2025 FatimaZahraeM
anonymous's avatar
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dizzylizz's avatar
Thanks so much for the beautiful feature!  :love:  Amazing, beautiful works...I'm thrilled to be a part of it!