Update on features and stuff

19 min read

Deviation Actions

fatherofanartist's avatar
Q: Can I use your photo(s) as reference for another art form (painting, drawing, sketch,etc.)?
A: Absolutely! I'd be thrilled! I do ask that you send me a link to your finished work so I can see your interpretation of my photo
Q: Can I use your photo(s) as stock for my projects and/or manipulations?
A: No. My gallery is not a stock gallery. It is MY gallery and none of the images contained in my gallery belong to the public domain. On occasion I may allow a fellow deviant to use one of my photos for their own project - send me a note - Decisions made on a case-by-case basis
Q: How do I get featured in your feature section?
A: Send me a note with up to 4 thumbs you'd like to have featured - I'm always looking for new work to feature, especially work that deserves more attention than it's getting :)

My subscription is nearing it's end and I wanted to do a couple more features to thank all of you who have supported me.
I was going to wait maybe 2-4 weeks to renew my subscription, but something happened the other night that has made me rethink that, and I will cut my budget in other areas in order to be able to afford to renew. Let's just say that when presented with a potentially life-threatening situation the DA admin staff half way around the world took quick, decisive action to make DAmn (yeah, I liked the pun) sure the worst-case scenario did NOT play out. My sincerest thanks to the DA admin staff; You guys, and ladies, kick ass!!!
...but I digress.
I'm still in need of thumbs and/or links for my Monday features. I'm also in pretty serious need of sleep, but I don't know when that'll happen as I'm still too wound up to relax for now. Eventually sleep will come ~ it always does :), and maybe I ought to eat something, too. I think I ended up eating a bag of circus peanuts & a bag of popcorn & drinking a 2 liter of Mountain Dew yesterday. That can't be good for me ;)
Clubs I'm a member of:
:iconsky-club: :iconskyandnatureclub: :iconscapesclub: :iconanimalsandnatureclub: :iconnaturpics-club: :iconbirds-club:
:iconaat-club: AAT-Club Stamp by AAT-Club
Check out :iconron67:s Daydreaming by ron67 colored pencil version of my
Daydreaming by fatherofanartist I think she did a fantastic job on this! Please check it out & let her know what you think!!!

I'd like to thank :iconspedding:
for this wonderful piece :thumb139104534: using fatherofanartist.deviantart.co…

For his Koyote Tribal
Koyote Tribal by SHARPIEMAN-TMJ
Thanks, man! This is really cool! B-)

Please take a look at my sub-gallery From the eyes of a child for photographs by my 7 year-old daughter!

And finally, I'd like to thank all of my wonderful watchers for all of the support they've given me!

:iconelessar777::thumb102102151: Sunshine... by Elessar777

:iconniwaj: Autumn colours by niwaj Lake in autumn by niwaj
Trees by path by niwaj Autumn path by niwaj

:iconfrog58: Sparkling forest by Frog58 Silvery butterfly by Frog58
Pink beauty by Frog58 The baby of music by Frog58

:iconiloveanimeandmanga: japanese garden by ILoveAnimeAndManga White Rose by ILoveAnimeAndManga
experiment 2 by ILoveAnimeAndManga Tiger cubs re-post by ILoveAnimeAndManga

:icondeingel: Sun sets into the tree by DeingeL Tired baby by DeingeL
Wing of a Dragonfly by DeingeL Church by DeingeL


:iconsquirrelflight-77: Diamonds of the Sea by Squirrelflight-77 Grasshopper Green by Squirrelflight-77
Beach Sunset 2 by Squirrelflight-77 Irridescence by Squirrelflight-77

:iconstormpetral0509: Blue-footed Booby by StormPetral0509 Maple by StormPetral0509
Galapagos Morning by StormPetral0509 The Storm Shepherd by StormPetral0509

:iconmissythemuse: Ready, Set, ACTION by MissytheMuse Battlescarred Grave Protector by MissytheMuse
One Heart by MissytheMuse:thumb127601373:



:iconmaessence: bunch of fall by MAEssence not from this world by MAEssence
loves plums by MAEssence trick or treat by MAEssence

:iconmoremdm: Black White Dragon by moreMDM Corona by moreMDM
Hey Lady by moreMDM Bound by moreMDM

:iconjeyminems: For Now... by jeyminems Homeless by jeyminems
Love Flies by jeyminems Manila Destroyed by jeyminems

One of the first DA members to offer his encouragement & support;
I have not forgotten :)
:iconl33tfluff: It really is grand... by l33tfluff in flight by l33tfluff

Random favorites:
Rose- Commission by Astralstonekeeper crown of thorns by lexiconoclast
:thumb141364332: Deer at Dusk by thrumyeye
curious by djqamirkay:thumb141190626:
Headache by Perriekkola One more, please... by JocelyneR
:thumb141099789: SMOKING KILLS by RemiGarciaPhoto
Fears in Solitude by a3t3rnum
Rainbow by bigmanart Koi Tribal by SHARPIEMAN-TMJ
From this Moment by barmat Staccato Lightning by FlorentCourty
zizzi by HippieVan57:thumb135544451:

Shameless self-promotion:
Puppy by fatherofanartist Texture of a flower by fatherofanartist
Thirsty zebra by fatherofanartist Stop, thief by fatherofanartist
Using the air brakes by fatherofanartist Phhht by fatherofanartist
Arachnophobia IV by fatherofanartist Showing off by fatherofanartist
Desert sunrise by fatherofanartist How many licks does it take by fatherofanartist
Blue-bellied roller II by fatherofanartist Creepy Bird by fatherofanartist

© 2009 - 2025 fatherofanartist
anonymous's avatar
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Eltasia's avatar
Beautiful feature :clap: thanks so much! :hug: