Q: Can I use your photo(s) as reference for another art form (painting, drawing, sketch,etc.)?
A: Absolutely! I'd be thrilled! I do ask that you send me a link to your finished work so I can see your interpretation of my photo
Q: Can I use your photo(s) as stock for my projects and/or manipulations?
A: No. My gallery is not a stock gallery. It is MY gallery and none of the images contained in my gallery belong to the public domain. On occasion I may allow a fellow deviant to use one of my photos for their own project - send me a note - Decisions made on a case-by-case basis
Q: How do I get featured in your feature section?
A: Send me a note with up to 4 thumbs you'd like to have featured - I'm always looking for new work to feature, especially work that deserves more attention than it's getting
My subscription is nearing it's end and I wanted to do a couple more features to thank all of you who have supported me.
I was going to wait maybe 2-4 weeks to renew my subscription, but something happened the other night that has made me rethink that, and I will cut my budget in other areas in order to be able to afford to renew. Let's just say that when presented with a potentially life-threatening situation the DA admin staff half way around the world took quick, decisive action to make DAmn (yeah, I liked the pun) sure the worst-case scenario did NOT play out. My sincerest thanks to the DA admin staff; You guys, and ladies, kick ass!!!
...but I digress.
I'm still in need of thumbs and/or links for my Monday features. I'm also in pretty serious need of sleep, but I don't know when that'll happen as I'm still too wound up to relax for now. Eventually sleep will come ~ it always does , and maybe I ought to eat something, too. I think I ended up eating a bag of circus peanuts & a bag of popcorn & drinking a 2 liter of Mountain Dew yesterday. That can't be good for me
Clubs I'm a member of:
Check out s
colored pencil version of my
I think she did a fantastic job on this! Please check it out & let her know what you think!!!
I'd like to thank
for this wonderful piece :thumb139104534: using fatherofanartist.deviantart.co…
For his Koyote Tribal
Thanks, man! This is really cool!
Please take a look at my sub-gallery From the eyes of a child for photographs by my 7 year-old daughter!
And finally, I'd like to thank all of my wonderful watchers for all of the support they've given me!
One of the first DA members to offer his encouragement & support;
I have not forgotten
Random favorites:
Shameless self-promotion:
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Random Ramblings
Hi there!Been a while...again.Got a lot of stuff going on and still have many many shots of the Saguaro forest to comb through from a couple months ago :(Anyway, I logged in the other day and noticed they're having a deviantMEET in Tucson on Monday 3/7.I'll be there with :iconastralstonekeeper:Anyone else planning on attending?
Feature Journal February 6, 2011
:iconstarscoldnight: has started a donation pool to make :iconeclectic-tastes: a super group
If interested, you can donate points here http://starscoldnight.deviantart.com/journal/38114392/ Now on to the features: Features from :iconeclectic-tastes:
:thumb193551374: :thumb196105474::thumb195859286::thumb196288871::thumb195594305: Some features from :iconfeature-swap: :thumb195039883::thumb186382536::thumb196172269::thumb194791044: Some other work I came across that I would like to share with everyone: :thumb196286164::thumb194747764::thumb196225720::thumb196147083::thumb46496020::thumb175729347::thumb195489256::thumb185590011:...
Feature journal
Now on Facebook, too: http://www.facebook.com/pages/James-Tramm-fatherofanartistdeviantartcom/129541463779830#! Sitting here watching the Jets slowly lose their playoff game - that's OK, I'm used to the disappointment as a former Jets fan ;) Let's start with some featured works from the Feature-Swap group :iconFeature-Swap: :thumb193273862::thumb192712475::thumb189363480::thumb191863920: Then a few that replied to my last poll :thumb172130263::thumb120207251::thumb173643240: A few from :iconeclectic-tastes: :thumb174795752::thumb192943752::thumb194180315::thumb189004418: :thumb193404757::thumb193399283::thumb150134251::thumb132209683:...
Some random thoughts
Haven't been around in a long time...Yeah, I know - but I'm working on it...really... :juggle:Tragedy in Tucson... as a Tucson resident I'm just sick of hearing this phrase :(Haven't touched a cigarette in well over a year now! I switched exclusively to vaping (e-cigarettes). If anyone needs some e-cig advice or would like to share thoughts on batteries, atomizers/cartomizers, liquid, etc - I'd love to discuss it :)For those in the US, from 15-17 January (this weekend) It's free admission to your national parks. I plan on hitting the Saguaro forest at some point.I finally broke down and set up a facebook profile (about time, huh?)
James T...
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Beautiful feature thanks so much!