FatalBite's avatar


Vesa Soronen
620 Watchers238 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Photography
  • Finland
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (83)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

Hello everyone!

My name is Vesa. I’m a nature photographer from Finland.

Photography became my hobby around 4 years ago. I have always been very close to nature. I’m glad my parents took me out in nature when I was a kid; it surely had a big influence on my love for nature. I enjoyed sitting at the campfire and cross-country skiing in snowy forests, fishing and going hunting – And I still do.

I’ve always lived in a place where nature is close and quite easily achievable. Currently I live in eastern Finland and I’m looking forward to exploring the beauty of this part of Finland and expressing it to others in my photographs. Photography has become my favorite hobby over the years, a passion, I could say. Going out there shooting photos is an excellent way to relax and forget about your daily routines for a while.

Current Residence: Finland
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Print preference: Matte
Favourite genre of music: Metal (Black, death, folk, thrash..), industrial, punk, ambient...
Favourite photographer: Jorma Luhta, Markku Tano...
Favourite style of art: Nature photos
Operating System: Mac OS X
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch 8GB

Favourite Movies
Oldboy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sabbat (Jpn)
Favourite Games
Grandia, Suikoden 2, Parasite eve 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 3
Tools of the Trade
Canon EOS 50D + Tokina 12-24/4, Canon EF 300/4L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200/4L USM and Canon 50/1.8....
Other Interests
Photography, nature, music, movies, hunting, anime and manga, travelling, hiking...
Hello everyone!It was about time for me to update my journal. It has been a while since I updated it last time!My apologies that I haven't been really active here on dA but my studies have kept me busy and I haven't had much time for photography.I'm on a Christmas vacation now, for the next two weeks or so. Which means thatI'm going to shoot some Wintry landscape photos. I am planning on a crosscountry skiing trip to Riisitunturi national park here in Finland. I'll probably make some short trips to Syöte national park as well, because it's not far from my hometown.I'm also going to be more active with photography next year. I'm going to jo...
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Summer plans

0 min read
Hello everyone!I hope you have enjoyed the Spring.I have been busy lately. I moved out from my apartment in Eastern Finland as I'm moving to another city in August (This city is also located in Eastern Finland)So no school for the next 3 months. I am going to do something that has to do with school though. Tomorrow I am leaving for Northern Norway, to a small village called Bugøynes. I'll be spending two months in this village doing tourism practical training. I am really glad I have this opportunity as I have wanted to visit North for a long time now and finally I can, and for two months! It should be an interesting experience and from wh...
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Spring is coming! Hello everyone!First of all, I want to thank :iconkkart: for featuring my deviation Rushing rapids II as a DD. Thank you very much, John! It was a wonderful surprise to come back from school and notice all these messages.Thank you to everyone who has favourited or commented this deviation or others in my gallery. I really appreciate your efforts on browsing through my gallery. It's a good motivation to shoot new photos, too!Spring is slowly arriving and days have gotten longer.. I bought new skis but I haven't had much time to go out skiing often yet. Really looking forward to sunny spring days and skiing trips on the l...
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Profile Comments 2.3K

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Sad to what happened to him:rose:
thinking of you rip......