Current Residence: Cali Operating System: vista (yuck) but it has to come along sometime Favourite cartoon character: Ron from Kim Possible Personal Quote: All things are possible with God
Favourite Games
Quake anything
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC all the way
Tools of the Trade
olympus e-410 camera, some photoshop, and a good eye
hey every one with the end of the year, and the end of the semester, in school, fast approching i decided to go back through this years photos and i've found a few i thought you might like that i missed uploading when i took them. enjoy.
I've forgotten how much I love this couple. You helped reawaken on of my favorite ships. The funny thing is looking back at the shows I realize the way I view bb & rae has changed drastically due all of the excellent stories I've read over the years. Thanks for the awesome story.