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Today was the day. This was the moment, his moment. The moment he had dreamed of, nay, fantasized, since his foalhood-- Bacchus was, at long last, entered and enrolled in the fabled UPFA Tournament. He could taste Victory on his lips, taste his enemy's blood on his tongue already; the sound of other horses battling rang through the night air. This particular arena was not the most high-class, but what could one expect from Round I. Round II would bring a more prestigious arena that, preferably, was not in the middle of nowhere like this one. The trailer ride there was abominable; arduous and bumpy for a whole 5 hours.
At last, he heard his name called above the throng of noise. Bacchus turned his thick head towards his handler, curling a lip in mock-aggression, but it did the deed, as the lad skittered away from the young woman he had been wooing and began to walk him towards the arena. Down the alleyway composed of curious, betting onlookers and flimsy rope. The Catcher-- a man with a rifle and a tranquilizer gun -- stood ready at the gate, prepared to use either weapon as necessary. Large spotlights lit the grim, round arena, and Bacchus caught a flash of white on the other side of the arena, but the Facing Board blocked his whole view.
Bacchus was loosed and he picked up a trot, feeling his nostrils already filling their lining with blood, causing them to turn red. He shook his head, his great tines flashing in the bluish spotlight beam. Through the chainlink of the facing board, he faced his opponent, calculating, sizing him up. He was slightly larger that Bacchus, but not by much. They were nearly equally matched in head-horns. This one would be interesting.
At the sound of the horn the Board was raised, and with a feirce rattle of his manes and with an open maw, the overo stallion launched himself at the white stallion, aiming for his face.
He would not lose.
337 words
Rewards for each horse:
+2 stats for story
+7 stats for drawing
+1 AS for Bacchus for entry completion
never doing lineless art again
Image size
1303x862px 1.56 MB
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Where can I purchase these majestic horses ??? ;-;