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SOLD TO Flamestorm11


IHS Mala Fortunata

Bullet; BlackBullet; White:bulletyellow:Mountain Ballator Mare:bulletyellow:Bullet; BlackBullet; WhiteBullet; Black

   ID: 066
    Meaning: Bad fortune 
    Barn Name/Nickname: Mala; Nata
    Sex: Mare
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Mountain
    Age: 4 yrs
    Height: 16 HH
    Genotype: · Bay Dun Roan Overo Calva Jester | EE Aa Dd Rr nO nCal nJe
    Rarity: 14
    Dun +1 Roan+1 Overo +1 Calva +1 Jester +3 Horn Shape +0 Lone Horn +4 Horn Color +1 Backmane +2
    Discipline: Flat racing

    Personality/History: Mala inherited her father's love of racing, and she is fast becoming a successful and grand steed. She is very soft, with no resistance, a concentration to work that far surpasses many older horses, and a willingness that is rarely seen in young Ballators. She has yet to enter her first real race, but the day is coming!

    Quirks: Gets scared/confused when a rider is too harsh and will shy and bolt. DO NOT under any circumstances use a whip on this horse. 

    Foal Design/Other side of Design: 783 Design

|••••••••○○| Willingness 

| ••••••••○○| Patience

| •••○○○○○○○○| Calmness 

| ○○○○○○○○○○| Aggression

| ••••••••○○| Concentration

| •••••••••○| Teachability

| •••••○○○○○| Spookiness

| •••••○○○○○| Competitiveness 

| •○○○○○○○○○| Dominance

| •••○○○○○○○| Versatility


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: 003 | ihsRavis Anima
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: 066 | Nigrum Mors Sodomae
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: 041 | IHS Nigrum Glacies
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: 433 Under the Cedar Moon
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD:  Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD:  Unknown

Breeding Rules: full body breedpic with background and 500 Points

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Green(Can be used)Bullet; Red(Not paid yet) Bullet; Yellow (Used)| Resulting foal 

1) Fargonon to 917 | IHS Alcatraz
2) Private
3) Private
4) Private
5)  Private
6)  Private
7)  Private
8) Open
9) Open
10) Open
11) Open
12) Open
13) Open
14) Open
15) Open

Gaits: 0
Dressage: 0
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 3
Stamina: 1.5
Speed: 4.5
Strength: 2.5
Experience: 0 

Inherited Stats: 8.5
Total Stats: 11.5 (NOVICE)

Stock used: Gambler Stock 87
Image size
1600x1200px 657.22 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Fargonon
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PrimordialArts's avatar
This one has been stolen by someone on Howrse as well...

Stolen by xRavenwoodDesigns

If you click on this screenshot you'll be able to see better, but I know both "Noxus" and "Attricia" are yours. Theio looks similar to yours as well but I wasn't able to find the original image. I'm reporting each one that I find for you dear :heart: