Get Away from me, PunkFargonon on DeviantArt

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Get Away from me, Punk



Regale Quests - Seasonal May-June by Fargonon
Quest Option 2 - Draw your Ballator fighting something, using the fighting technique it most prefers. A handler, another Ballator, a rider, hunger... get creative! However, a rope must be in your drawing.
This quest grants 5 Attack Strength to the participating horse and 150 Denarii to the owner.

The sun was bright and shining, warming the back of the large white and black stallion. The crunch and clop of his hooves on the gravel path were oddly satisfying as he walked next to his handler, heading back to his pasture after a workout. He tossed his head in aggravation at a passing horsefly, snorting loudly. "Easy there boy, we're almost there." his handler quipped nervously, dodging to avoid the towering green horns that swished near his face. The young human was obviously nervous, and Bacchus could have rolled his eyes in annoyance. He wasn't going to do anything. There was nothing TO do.
Almost as soon as the thought entered his brain, a huge hulking mass of mane crowned the small hill before them, heading their way. It was Bacchus' own father, Leoni Ludae, heading back to his own pasture home. Bacchus' ears slammed back to his head immediately, closing out the nervous chatter of the handler. Leoni, in comparison, walked calmly towards them, yet a wary eye was locked on Bacchus as they draw closer. His prodigal son. How disappointing.
The huge Barbary stallion's handler looked relaxed as she strode forward. "Watch him now!" She called to the other handler, who's hands gripped tighter on Bacchus' lead. As the two stallions passed each other, he let out a sigh of relief.
Too soon.
Bacchus lunged and wheeled, open-mouthed and roaring. Leoni, without missing a step, did the same, his bellow causing his son to flinch but snap at him all the more. The stallions squealed and thrashed their hooves, but Bacchus knew better than to take on his father. So almost as soon as it started, the squabble was over. One day, Bacchus thought, licking his lips, he would be strong enough to take Leoni down and claim the throne as king of Iron Horse Stables. He just had to wait long enough.

(316 words)

welcome to the worlds ugliest drawing competition and now to announce the winner oh look its me
//i am ashamed//

006 | IHS Leoni Ludae & 842 | IHS Bacchus

Stats for each Stallion:
Fullbody +3 Extra horse +2 Simple BG +2 Story+2
+5 AS 
Image size
1432x1065px 910.75 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Fargonon
anonymous's avatar
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OokamiAikouka's avatar
Awesome poses! <3