Fargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/F-146-Breeding-for-LadyOfTheGeneral-407314519Fargonon

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F-146 Breeding for LadyOfTheGeneral



Foal for: :iconladyofthegeneral)
? Eb's are NOT a free breed. You can't make your own.

? Please draw the foal with in 2 weeks and submit the drawing to the group.
? PLease be sure that you are a member of the group.
? Ballators can ONLY be bred to Ballators. If you break this rule you run the risk of your EB being taken away.</b>
? ID#'s Must go in front of the name.

? Note that breeding a PLains EB with a normal EB will restult in a loss of 4 points of rarity for the foal. The foal will most likely be stillborn however, if it survives it will always have some sort of disorder and 50% of crossbreds are sterile.
Image size
1640x1107px 632.87 KB
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LadyoftheGeneral's avatar
I think I just died.


Merle. Okapi Dun. Calva.

I will kiss you OMG. XD