842 | IHS BacchusFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/842-IHS-Bacchus-598267239Fargonon

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842 | IHS Bacchus




IHS Bacchus

Bullet; BlackBullet; White:bulletgreen:Mountain Ballator Stallion:bulletgreen:Bullet; BlackBullet; White
UPFA Crest by Fargonon

   ID: 842
    Meaning: To shout
    Barn Name/Nickname: Bach
    Sex: Stallion
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Mountain
    Age: 6 yrs
    Height: 16 HH
    Genotype: · Fading Black Tobiano Splash Overo Hornstripe w/ Somatic Mutation | EE aa nT nSpl nO nHs
    Rarity: 19
    Overo +1 Splash +1 Tobiano +1 Hornstripe +2 Horn color +3 Horn shape +2 Extra Horns +4 Somatic+5

    Discipline: Pit Fighting
    Society: UPFA Pit Fighting 
    Initiation Image: 842 Bacchus | Initiation
    Rank: Boxer
    Items: Studded Shoes
    Attack Strength: 9
 Initiation +2
Get Away from me, Punk +5
UPFA | 842 Bacchus VS 1000 Causa Mortis +1
UPFA | 1000 Causa Mortis vs 842 Bacchus +1

    Personality/History: The first horse from IHS used in illegal pit fighting, Bacchus is a savage and cold stallion with a sort of calculating, agile genius in battle. No authority from IHS knows of his use in the Pits, thanks to his caretakers being very good at what they do: sneaking. The son of IHS's prized stallion Leoni Ludae, an equally great Wrestler, Bacchus inherited his father's sort of bored, annoyed personality, with a lack of interest in other equines. His favored maneuvers in the Pit is hooking his fishing-hook shaped horns on his opponents and tearing away. 

    Quirks: All manes/tail are kept short and cropped because if they're long, he can't see in fights/they get bitten at.

    Foal Design/Other side of Design:  842 | Design for Me


------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: 006 | IHS Leoni Ludae
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: 035 | IHS Solitarius Ossa
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD:  Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD:  Unknown

Breeding Rules: full body breedpic with background and 800 Points

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Green(Can be used)Bullet; Red(Not paid yet) Bullet; Yellow (Used)| Resulting foal 

1) Mine to  3237 Hey Haaarls | Mountain
2) EveningStarrStudios | :buletgreen: | 1308 | Hyzenthlay 
3) Horsydraw5096 - Wyldly Consutos :bulletyellow:
4) Private
5)  Private
6)  Private
7)  Private
8) Closed
9) Closed
10) Closed
11) Closed
12) Closed
13) Open
14) Open
15) Open

Gaits: 10
Dressage: 7
Jumping: 8
Intelligence: 29
Stamina: 20
Speed: 19
Strength: 26.5
Experience: 0 
Attack Strength: 10

Inherited Stats: 43.5
Total Stats: 129.5 (INTERMEDIATE)

This ref +3
842 Bacchus | Initiation +3 Intel +3 Stren +2 Stam +3 AS
Red +9 
Spar +7
To Shout +2
Get Away from me, Punk +9 | +5 AS
UPFA | 842 Bacchus VS 1000 Causa Mortis +9 +1 AS
UPFA | 1000 Causa Mortis vs 842 Bacchus + 7 +1 AS
Dashing Through the NO +7
Tag, you're it! +7
Green! + 8

Image size
1368x1020px 450.29 KB
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S00ner0rLater's avatar
Hi Fargo, is it possible to buy slots to this guy for USD?