842 Bacchus | InitiationFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/842-Bacchus-Initiation-598276869Fargonon

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842 Bacchus | Initiation




Horse Ref: 842 | IHS Bacchus
Applying to:
Underground Pit Fighters' Association / UPFA
Starter Item Received: Studded Shoes

Bacchus was a talented fighter. He knew just how to use himself, carry himself; how to intimidate, how to insight fear into his opponents. His favored method of attack: become close enough to his opponent to shove his bulky, roman head at them and score a hit with his fishhook-like horns in their flesh, using the crown of thorny horns and dagger-like protrusions near his face to simultaneously stab his victim. Then, with a savage twist of his head, tear his high tines from the flesh of his enemy. This technique has gained him massive popularity in the pits, with it's savagery and seldom seen methodical carrying-out. He does not play nice, no matter whom his competition may be; young mares, smaller types, bigger Ballators-- he shows no fear or mercy. He carries himself with an air of grandeur, his eyes hooded and darting this way and that, calculating, tactful.
Son of the great and magestic Leoni Ludaeand the reclusive Solitarius Ossa, this stallion is the black sheep of Iron Horse Stables. Thanks to the careful and quiet, sneaky management of his grooms and caretakers, Bacchus sees the pits at least once a month, and his wounds are quickly healed and patched with salve, and written off as banter between stallions by the Iron Horse Stable's head staff. This stallion prefers to fight his own type and sex, however he will gladly and eagerly fight anything which comes into the Pit -- or his pasture. It is not unheard of to find other Ballators at Iron Horse Stables wounded by Bacchus after they stuck their heads a little too far over his fence; many a bird, deer, hare and even a resident dog have been attacked and slain by this stallion.
Bacchus hopes to rise to the level of Luctator, fight among the greats, and if he must, die an honorable, quick death at the fangs of a worthier enemy.

(319 words)
+1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength for initiation; +2 Stats for story; +2 Intelligence, +1 Strength; +2 AS for Studded Shoes; +1 Stat for Headshot

3 Strength
3 Intelligence
2 Stamina
3 Attack Strength
Image size
656x548px 160.42 KB
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