041 | IHS Nigrum GlaciesFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/041-IHS-Nigrum-Glacies-420604691Fargonon

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041 | IHS Nigrum Glacies




IHS Nigrum Glacies

:bulletblack::bulletwhite::bulletblack:Mountain Ballator Mare:bulletblack::bulletwhite::bulletblack:

   ID: 041
    Name Meaning: Black Ice
    Barn Name/Nickname: Nigrum; Glassy
    Sex: Mare
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Mountain
    Age: 7 yrs
    Height: 15 HH
    Genotype: Black Calva Hornstripe w/Hyalus and Afghan mane mutation | EE aa CalCal nHs
    Rarity: 30
    Discipline: Liberty/Halter
    Personality/History: Nigrum Glacies is a very special mare to Iron Horse Stables. Not only does she have a rare mane mutation, but she was also gifted Hyalus horns by High Lord Aether. Her see-through, glass-like horns and hooves glint magically in the light and she holds them proudly. Her long, flowing manes can be somewhat of a hassle, as they grow so quickly that she must have all of her manes completely shaved off every 2 months. Growing at a rate of 1 inch per 2 days, they easily become unmanageable. However, for upcoming shows, they are allowed to grow longer than usual. As far as personalities go, Nigrum can be extremely aloof, and as her name suggests, cold as ice. She tends to strut around the stable grounds, with her head high and manes dancing behind her. 

Religious views: Firm belief in High Lord Aether

    Quirks: Manes get tangled easily because the hair is so fine; a groomer's nightmare. If it's sunny out, yu have to wear sunglasses while riding her, because her horns are so reflective.



Breeding Rules: full body breedpic and 1500 Points  IHS Breeding rules

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Red(not able to be used yet) Bullet; Green(able to be used) Bullet; Yellow (used) | Resulting foal 

1) Wild-Catx003 ihsRavis Anima |Bullet; Yellow|  Tenebris F-326
5) @blackbeine | 003 ihsRavis Anima |Bullet; Yellow300 Somnium
10) Shinju-Tsukuda | WHS Santificate Oculos | :bulletyellow:WHS: 956 Nulla Vidua
11) AutumnCreekFarms | :bulletgreen: 865 ACF Stormflash
12) Nemenos :bulletgreen:1185 Nigrum Ex
13) Private
14) Private
15) Private

Gaits: 5
Dressage: 2
Jumping: 3
Intelligence: 8
Stamina: 3
Speed: 2
Strength: 5
Experience: 0 

This ref +5 (3+ 200 word story +2)
Past ref +3
Original design image +3
Breeding Picture Ravis Anima x Nigrum Glacies +4
Flowers for a lady +5
Take A Walk With Me - Breeding Pic +8

Original Design: 
Image size
1368x1020px 577.77 KB
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kookadile's avatar
oml she has the prettiest jet black coat i've ever seen!! as well as her face looks like shes wearing a skull. Such perfection :3