039 | Ros FucoFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/039-Ros-Fuco-397873450Fargonon

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039 | Ros Fuco




IHS Ros Fuco

:bulletblue:Bullet; BlackBullet; WhiteFoundation Plains Ballator MareBullet; WhiteBullet; Black:bulletblue:

   ID: 039
    Meaning: Color of dew
    Barn Name/Nickname: Ros
    Sex: Mare
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Plains
    Age: 29 yrs
    Height: 17 HH
    Genotype: Grullo Calico |  EE aa DD SplSpl nCry
    Rarity: 9
    Discipline: Log Pulling
    Personality/History: Very similar in personality to Raaz from Mosters Inc. "I'm always watching" would be her coined phrase; she's pretty observant, even in her old age now. Ros was the first Plains Ballator mare to grace Iron Horse stables, and along with IHS Unum Agreste, they were the first Plains Ballators brought to the Americas. Consequently, she and Agreste have sired many, many foals, and their names appear in tons of lineages. She's retired now and lives happily in the pastures. 

Religious views: Always had an inclination towards Achlys.

    Quirks: Sassy.



Breeding Rules: full body or Headshot breedpic and 100 :points:  IHS Breeding rules

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Red(not able to be used yet) Bullet; Green(able to be used) Bullet; Yellow (used) | Resulting foal 

1. USED B-139 Concordia
2. USED IHS Inferna Tintinnabulis
3. USED B-236 - Ros Coloris Corde
4. USED F-208 Lady brunneis pisces
5. USED B305 Et miles sanguinum obscuri *TEMP REF*
6. USED 015 CCR's Mitis Gigantis
7. USED 456 Caela
8. USED 2453 Inpalleso Robor
9.  trekae to 014 The Devil's Cauldron
10 Sshorty to 011 Unum Agreste 
11 Jifi-Dawg to 046 | IHS Dolor Mentham
12 EquusBallatorSociety6436 Nemeon
13 EquusBallatorSociety4034 - CBS Cerasus


Gaits: 0
Dressage: 0
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 5
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Strength: 7
Experience: 0 

This ref +2
Past ref +3
Adonis x Ros Fuco +7

Image size
1266x774px 312.82 KB
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FindingAlaskaa's avatar
Such a lovely mare! I love the calico.