021 | IHS Caetarius PiscesFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/021-IHS-Caetarius-Pisces-417629198Fargonon

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021 | IHS Caetarius Pisces




IHS Caetarius Pisces

:bulletwhite::bulletblack::bulletwhite:Plains Ballator Stallion:bulletwhite::bulletblack::bulletwhite:

   ID: 021
    Name: IHS Caetarius Pisces
    Meaning: Mr. FIshy Fish
    Barn Name/Nickname: Fish
    Sex: Stallion
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Plains
    Age: 17 yrs
    Height: 18 HH
    Genotype: Classic champagne Candy Calva Clownfish Hornstripe | Ee aa nCh nCal CltClt HsHs
    Rarity: 19
    Discipline: Log Pulling
    Personality/History: You know that one uncle that everyone has, who is a moocher and never showers? This is his spirit animal. Fish was named as such because he literally smells like a lake full of dead carp. He is the laziest thing on four legs, constantly drooling and plodding along. He's so lazy that he can hardly get himself onto a mare during breeding season, mostly because that requires lifting his massive rack of horns higher than back level.

Religious views: Too dumb to care. 

    Quirks: Constant drool. Think Saint Bernard.



Breeding Rules: full body breedpic and 900 Points  IHS Breeding rules

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Red(not able to be used yet) Bullet; Green(able to be used) Bullet; Yellow (used) | Resulting foal 

1) PaleMount039 Ros Fuco |Bullet; Yellow|  F-208 Lady brunneis pisces
10) gresslok857 Verecunda Corculi
11) AriahDLyn 6166 | Boadicea
12) Closed
13) Closed
14) Closed
15) OPEN

Gaits: 0
Dressage: 10
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 1
Stamina: 4.5
Speed: 0
Strength: 30
Experience: 0 
Attack Strength: 0

45.5 Total

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EclipsisHorreum's avatar
I'd love to use this lady for my slot 
6166 | Boadicea by AstroPonies