020 | IHS Cervi AlbiFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/020-IHS-Cervi-Albi-416488258Fargonon

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020 | IHS Cervi Albi



Cervi needed a much needed update. He was far too grey in his last ref to be a gold cream, so I lightened him up a bit!


IHS Cervi Albi

Bullet; White:bulletorange:Bullet; WhiteForest Ballator StallionBullet; White:bulletorange:Bullet; White

   ID: 020
    Meaning: White stag
    Barn Name/Nickname: Cervi
    Sex: Stallion
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Forest
    Age: 10 yrs
    Height: 14 HH
    Genotype: Gold Cream champagne Merle Dotted Sooty | ee Aa nCr nCh nDs Mm 
    Rarity: 8
    Discipline: Halter; Liberty; Dressage
    Personality/History: This stallion, true to his breed type, is very calm and passive. He was found on the slopes of a snowy mountain, where he was found alongside a large matriarchal herd. They all, like Cervi, had white-ish coats which helped them blend into their surroundings. The herd was watched for some time, and one day Cervi went missing and was found in the forests at the base of the mountain. He stood out painfully against the green and browns, and would be an easy pick for predators if he was ever seen by one. So we took it upon ourselves to relocate him. However, he kept going back again and again, and eventually we took him under our wing as a sire. He adjusted very well to stable life, contentedly munching on winter stores of alfalfa. When he lost his winter coat, he shone through as a completely stunning forest Equus Ballator. 
Cervi Albi is very noble and intelligent, alonside his strange forest ballator coloring, making him a favorite.

    Quirks: Very spooky and shy around new people.

    Foal Design: LOST



Breeding for this stallion is CLOSED

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Red(not able to be used yet) Bullet; Green(able to be used) Bullet; Yellow (used) | Resulting foal 

1) Private
2) Mine  with 3302 | IHS Halycon
3) Enharmonia with 3302 | IHS Halycon
4) Mine |038 | Abstractis|:bulletyellow:1010 | IHS Kibosh
7) @Rena-glxy | S-009 Bella Puella |:bulletyellow:F-265 Sperum

Gaits: 4
Dressage: 6
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 3
Stamina: 0
Speed: 0
Strength: 0
Experience: 0 

This ref +3
Past ref +3
A glacial love +7
Image size
1368x1020px 492.97 KB
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PrimordialArts's avatar
Just thought I would let you know dear (unless you did this, but I have a feeling you didn't) but this drawing has been submitted as a Black Pearl coat on Howrse. Someone is claiming they drew it and are trying to make a monetary (not USD, but passes, which are an in-game currency that are supposed to be purchased with real money) gain from it. I've gone ahead and reported it for you. The coat number is 265601. Not sure if you have an account on there where you'd be able to go look for it or anything though.