011 | IHS Unum AgresteFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/011-IHS-Unum-Agreste-393964577Fargonon

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011 | IHS Unum Agreste



The first Plains Ballator ever created :heart:
Foundation Sire

IHS Unum Agreste

Bullet; WhiteBullet; BlackBullet; WhiteFounding Plains Ballator StallionBullet; WhiteBullet; BlackBullet; White

   ID: 011
    Meaning: The wild one
    Barn Name/Nickname: Agreste
    Sex: Stallion
    Breed/type: EquusBallator ; Plains
    Age: 22 yrs
    Height: 19 HH
    Genotype: Dusty Bay Sabino Hornstripe | EE Aa DyDy SbSb HsHs
    Rarity: 28
    Discipline: Halter; Log Pulling; Wrestling 
    Personality/History: In his youth, Agreste was a brute and a bully, typical for a Plains Ballator. He was the first Plains Ballator IHS had aquired, and a sire to the modern-day Plains Ballator stock. However, now that he is older, he has calmed down some since being retired from work. He is still occasionally used for breedings, but these are few and far between.

    Quirks: Tends to be very sleepy always.



Breeding Rules: full body breedpic and 250 Points  IHS Breeding rules

User | Horse to Breed with | Status Bullet; Red(not able to be used yet) Bullet; Green(able to be used) Bullet; Yellow (used) | Resulting foal 

1) bullzoar037 OWS Talari Iuba |Bullet; Yellow|  F-089 RSS Dux Solidus


Gaits: 5
Dressage: 0
Jumping: 0
Intelligence: 14
Stamina: 19
Speed: 10
Strength: 15
Experience: 3 

Previous ref  +3


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1368x1020px 670.74 KB
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littlewillow-art's avatar
an evening with you by littlewillow-art  for you!!!!
And I'll be using 3421 | Satine for my slot :love: