006 Leoni Ludae | InitiationFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/006-Leoni-Ludae-Initiation-598866308Fargonon

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006 Leoni Ludae | Initiation




Horse Ref: 006 | IHS Leoni Ludae
Applying to: 
Equus Ballator Society / EBS
Starter Item Received: Leather Cap/Sleeve

Leoni Ludae; the prized stallion of Iron Horse Stables. He is tall, sleek, agile and strong, with a fighting technique centered in quick, forceful headbutts and slams. His favored method is wheeling around back of his opponent, then butting them with the crown of his horns, careful not to stab his opponent too deeply; EBS regulation states some blood is permissible, but serious injuries cause disqualification. He wears the leather cap on his lone horn, since that is the one most susceptible to stabbling another horse.However, when he feels his opponent is weaker, either from his attacks or just in general, he will usually turn to slamming them with his side, knocking them down. He also uses a swinging motion with his head, intimidating and causing the competitor to back away. Leoni will puff out his gigantic barbary mane and rattle them, causing quite a formidable sight, especially combined with the Ballator nasal-bleeding phenomenon. He will clack his teeth and snort, striking out with his hooves and attack. His barbary mane makes it exceedingly difficult for other horses to get a grip on him, and allows a lot of cushioning and padding from slams or falls.
Leoni's weakness is being paired against horses who are obviously smaller and weaker than he. He will fight them with as much ferocity as any Ballator, but guilt plagues him, in victory or defeat. He prefers to fight stallions around his height and age; he will often hesitate for a moment before fighting weaker horses, toning down his usually fierce strategies.
Leoni does not like injuring his competition beyond what they are able to endure, and if he sees this happening, he will attempt a knockout via a slam on the head. Unbeknownst to Leoni, his son Bacchus appears as a regular in the Illegal Pit Fighting Rings. However, Bacchus is preparing himself for a duel against Leoni, and perhaps one day his wish will be realized.

(324 words)
+1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength for initiation; +2 Stats for story; +2 Intelligence; +2 AS for Leather Cap/Sleeves; +1 Stat for Headshot

4 Strength
3 Intelligence
3 Attack Strength
Image size
797x758px 227.12 KB
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Enharmonia's avatar
tag urself im the little horn bonnet