002 IHS Pontifex MortisFargonon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fargonon/art/002-IHS-Pontifex-Mortis-342351178Fargonon

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002 IHS Pontifex Mortis



EDIT: Finally starting to redo all my old refs! 1 down, 40 to go :ugh:

:bulletblack:General Info
Breediing Guidelines

Breeding cost: 100:points:

Name: IHS Pontifex Mortis
Name Meaning: Angel of death
Nicknames: Fex
Personality: Short-tempered, easily angered and agressive. He is a very elderly stallion, and has been with Iron Horse Stables since it's start. 
Gender: Stallion
Specialties: Racing, jumping
Breed: Equus Ballator; Mountain
Age: 23 years
Height: 17.1 hh

Phenotype: Dunalino Tobiano
Genotype: ee/Aa/nCr/Dd/nT

Sire Wild/unknown EB
DamWild/unknown EB
Siblings None known

017 Pardus Mortis
2Antiquus Caelum
3RSKS Another Way Out
4Sol Auroram
5022 Avitus Benignus
6Dulce Periculum
7 tearyplant
8 tearyplant
9 Jrcartworks with 3176 Hebetes Tunicam Good to go!
10: Cassanova-Art 6438 Regina Rosarum
11-15 Open

Siblings ="fav.me/d5rbh0y">Aurora Lux; IHS Inferorum Canis;
EB Rarity Ranking: Coat- 7, All possible manes present 2, color of cappilae striping/eyes/hooves 1. (Total, 10, maximum)
Passable Traits:

Here's our first wild-caught Equus Ballator, Pontifex Mortis

Art Payment for Fargonon :D by a-horse-of-course!
Image size
1184x1033px 471.69 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Fargonon
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Jrcartworks's avatar
Could i use this mare please? 3176 Hebetes Tunicam