Current Residence: Melbourne, Australia Favourite genre of music: House/Trance, Pop, Rock, Chillout, Indie Rock, Hip Hop, R&B, 80s pop Operating System: Win 7
Well it's been close to 5 years since I've added anything to deviantart and a lot has changed. Turns out I much prefer taking photos than drawing... And I've been travelling to Japan every year since I first worked there over 6 years ago! I've also started to make videos of my snowboarding adventures and will continue to do so on every journey.
If you've got some time have a look!
Hopefully I'll post a little more often these days :)
Well it's certainly been a while, and I apologise! But no laptop in Japan meant very view chances to email everyone and update my DA journal.
So what did I do? Well being the nutter I am, I spent a ski season in Japan (Nozawa Onsen in Nagano) and managed to learn some Jap, and learn to snowboarding stuff along the way! I also drew a teeny bit when work got dull so I'll post them up at some point.
I also went to Tokyo and popped into Akihabara and didn't enjoy it one bit. Horrendous I know but I found it a bit too much for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I still like anime but that place made my eyes bleed (an 8 storey hentai store will do th
Hey everyone, this is the unadultered email I sent to everyone a week ago and now I'll pop it up here for those who didn't get it. I'm fine now so don't stress when you read about the injuries I suffered....
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the somewhat late email, but I've been awfully busy with various activities ranging from work to boarding to housekeeping and back to work again so I forgot to send an email last week! Suffice to say this email will hopefully make up for it. Currently I'm sitting in the bar we mainly go to a bar called Foot which is a lot of fun, but too many foreigners hang out there so we've started frequenting local bars an
Oh no! If I wanted to buy a bigger piece could you organize something? I really love your work and was thinking of framing it with a matte black piece of card in the back