Free Use: Tunnel of LoveFantasyStockAvatars on DeviantArt

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FantasyStockAvatars's avatar

Free Use: Tunnel of Love



Rules for Using This Free Avatar:
:pointr: You are free to use this avatar anywhere you like.
:pointr: You don't need to ask permission.
:pointr: My Selection of Free Avatars
:pointr: If you like what you see, please donate points.

FAQ #147: How do I upload or remove an avatar?

This is a GIF file. If it's not saved as such, this avatar may not be transparent or animated.

Find more free avatars at the =FreeAvatarProject!
Also check out my other free avatars here.
Image size
50x50px 7.93 KB
© 2011 - 2025 FantasyStockAvatars
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FreeAvatarsAndMore's avatar
:la: :+favlove: This lovable free avatar deviation has been featured in the following news article: Free Love Avatars (Bonus plz News!) Please +fav the article if you'd like to help people find free avatars.

Thanks for your participation in our Valentine challenge! If you'd like to participate in our group's current avatar challenge, you can get info here.