Who Should I Help?

16 min read

Deviation Actions

FantasyStock's avatar

GIVE A LITTLE - GET A LITTLE :thumb43135661:

Most of my eBay auctions are set up to donate 10% of the final sale prices to various non-profit organizations that help the world in all kinds of different ways. So if you find something you like in my auctions, please bid for good causes! This way, you end up with things you want, you help me, and you help people make a difference.

If there are any non-profit organizations that you would like me to add to my upcoming eBay donations, please leave the link in the comments of this journal entry. I'll keep your suggestions in mind for my future auctions. If I really like a suggestion, I'll probably make a stamp for your cause as well, and I'll give you credit at FantasyStockAvatars in the description of the stamp with a link to the org. Maybe we can make make the world a little brighter.


Each time I update my journal I like to feature an artist that has used my stock in their art. This week's featured artist is...


Quna recently celebrated her first year anniversary at DeviantART! Yuo can read and respond to her thoughts about the dA experience here. But this isn't the only reason I'm featuring this artist. Her gallery is fully of gorgeous photography, fractals, traditional art, literature, and she's even used my stock in her beautiful photomanipulation art. She also has a very cool hair tutorial, which makes it look so easy that I may actually try digital coloring again. ...Very inspiring!

Other Art by Quna


2008 Featured Artists
2007 Featured Artists2006 Featured Artists

FEATURED GROUP :iconartistsforcharity:

ArtistsForCharity is a group run by senior members of dA that make it possible for you to donate your prints to charity! The current charity that seems to have the most focus is The Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Read their journal for more details about how to get involved.

:bulletblue: From the group's FAQ:
"...everyone from core staff ($), all the way to general member (~) can donate artwork."

FEATURED FREEBIES :thumb76703117:
This Week's Theme: CHARITY & ACTIVISM

To help you support some of your causes with your art and around dA, here are some FREE goodies, which are offered by some very generous deviants for your use! Please be sure to follow each artist's TERMS OF USE before you take anything that isn't yours.

Stock Photos

:thumb72291763: Butterfly2 by Mothgurl Eye Stock 8 by sPXc-Stock Windmill 3 by Toranih-stock:thumb110770486: Cigarette by drohnenfabrik hospitalness stock by mtnlesssndtrkSTOCK:thumb55466198: Construction 5 by stormlor Enterprise - stock version by AirAndSpaceStock Button by EscapedSacrifice reefer by butterific Love will find a way by livestock

Stamp: Support Stocker Rules by FantasyStockAvatars

Textures & Brushes

Fabric texture by Lyssi Fall and Winter Tree Brushes by just-Nate Destructive News by dazzle-textures photoshop brushes: world maps by gutterlily10:thumb89582871: oil spill by sexualtyranosaurus Postmarks CS3 Brushes by uselessdesires:thumb111749025: Water Brushes II by superlibbie Mosaic Texture Green Tile by chamberstock

Journal CSS

Gulf Coast Relief Fund CSS by Jamaal10:thumb74322564::thumb80856836:

Free Avatars

I try to make sure that each of these icons is 50x50 and under 15 kb. They are always free to use as your dA avatar within the artist's rules, though you may have to ask permission first...

Breast Cancer Ribbon Avatar by Kezzi-Rose Environment ROCKS by Myrloenn:thumb76082879: flames of peace by dauntiemagic Panda Avatar by biag:thumb95192182: Red Letter Day: Ribbon by alphabetars:thumb96049727::thumb95194944:

Journal Stamps

Keep-A-Breast by PrettyGirlsWithGuns:thumb98804090:
Make Poverty History by RandomGothSignatures:thumb94217527:
Dignity. Period stamp by elegaer:thumb105871333: Stamp: MPP.org by FantasyStockAvatars


LINKS Fella Logo Enlongated V. by Cameljacks

2009 Contests & Projects

This is a list contests going on around deviantART, but I am NOT responsible for them. The following events are hosted by other people:
If you would like your event listed here, please send a note to me with 1) a link to your contest or project, and 2) the deadline by which entries must be received. Your contest must be for members of dA, not off-site.


:icontehkella: :iconoibyrd: :iconmarkopolio: :iconedneu2004:
:iconpatriciabrennan: :iconjstles: :iconsenecal: :iconfearawaken:

Thank you!

These Deviants' icons are a permanent feature in my main page journal entries in return for donating to my stock gallery! Contributions to my stock cause may be accepted via note.

QUOTE to PONDER Good ol' brain by Cinyke

"Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind."

- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

CSS help from Elandria. Hosting from tehkella.
My avatar by tin-can-man.
Thank you!
© 2009 - 2024 FantasyStock
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Toranih-stock's avatar
Thank you for the feature! :-D