We've been chatting about the contests and all associated with them. We need your help and as they are for you we want to please everyone.
We haven't made any decisions, we want to ask you your thoughts.
So there are 3 ways we can do this:
1) Keep them the same as now with one contest per month, with similar prizes.
2) Do a bi-monthly contest (runs over 2 months) with better prizes (hopefully) and more entries due to longer time.
3) Stop them altogether.
There are variations of point 2) with for example quarterly contests however, bi-monthly is the easiest one for everyone and it'll not get stale.
So just comment on this journal only (please not on the front page - we might miss it) or for those that are shy send us a note titled "Contest Opinion"
Please note We are not looking to change the voting system as it does work very well plus it's the most fair one as YOU decide who wins, not us. We have no control if people vote or not, we can only accept the ones that do