Stillife 2005 deus ex machinafantasio on DeviantArt

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Stillife 2005 deus ex machina



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here another work of the stillife epos, i have to thank all those who have commented on the ones before...
even if i can´t get back to each one, every comment or critique is appreciated_!

i put this one into the photography section, because it has a merely documentary aspect, also the technique is rather simple darkroom postwork in photoshop...

for those who like to steal ideas or images i have to tell, that i have a lot more images of this sculpture on the net, from different angles, so its easy to identify from whom the original artwork was...;-)

Other Sculptures from me:

sayNOgood wallpaper by fantasio SAYnoGOOD by fantasio
Stillife 2005 frozen teardrops by fantasio
S T I L L L I F E resurrection by fantasio S T I L L   L I F E by fantasio

 Copyright notice and disclaimer:

   - Created by Oliver Wetter / Ars Fantasio.

    - You are welcome to share my work or repost it, but please don't claim or sell it as your own.

Image size
672x720px 81.63 KB
© 2005 - 2025 fantasio
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elisabeth-t's avatar
Great concept and beautiful work. I saw your work in an art book, and I was speechless.