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Full view is duty!
Explanation below: please read !!
The landscape is originally a painting from Ivan Aivazovsky
The Landscape is partially altered and repainted digitally to match the overpainted Cthulhu.
The landscape work is in Public Domain since it is from 1850.
What does that mean?…
The idea was to regain back some fun with the series by painting mythological creatures instead of pop culture phenomenons. In this case the lighting situation inspired the appearance of Cthulhu.
Why did I do that?
Actually the intention behind this is to learn from the old masters, I don´t want to limit myself to mastercopies - but something new inspired by the old AND the new.
This is part of a study-series, called "Ancient Kaiju project" (Iron Giant is probably not a Kaiju, but it certainly fits the scheme of big things)
I like popculture, mythology and I love traditional art, so this project came naturally to me.
If you want it as a large wallpaper 2550 px wide, check out the patreon page to download it (for free)
The blog post containing all works and…
Besides the download of the HD Wallpaper, patrons will get an exclusive peak behind the scenes with a process sheet. Unfortunately it is only partially done in procreate so I have to put together steps from Photoshop.
■ Copyright notice and disclaimer:
- Created by Oliver Wetter / Ars Fantasio.
- You are welcome to share my work or repost it, but please don't claim or sell it as your own.