[DL] Books for Pones.FancyClassicaMelody on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fancyclassicamelody/art/DL-Books-for-Pones-557280889FancyClassicaMelody

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[DL] Books for Pones.



I whipped these up forever ago, mostly the Black book with Anima in Daedric on the cover, and the book of Clow. I later made some skins based off classes a magical filly might take. I dunno if these will even be useful, but well shit, if it can even kinda help one person, that's great.

You get 3 different models, each have the 6 skins. These are retextured books from Blade Symphony, so they aren't terribly high quality, and don't open. I might revisit this idea later, but for now, take these.

The skins list:
Skin 0: Conjuration.
Skin 1: Pyromancy
Skin 2: Advanced Magic Theories
Skin 3: Basic Magic Theories.
Skin 4: Anima's tome. (Glows in the dark!)
Skin 5: Book of Clow. (Also glows!)

And a bonus!
All the Clow Cards, cause if you got the book of Clow, you might want the cards.
I might make these their own release shot, but for now some basics:
There's 7 models:
The Nothing and the 6 cards that govern over the others. And the remaining ones are under the card that governs them. So for example, The Fight is under The Firey cards.
© 2015 - 2025 FancyClassicaMelody
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TheEntu's avatar

but i was waiting for the Mane 6 journal..