Dress Designfanchielover15 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/fanchielover15/art/Dress-Design-50522382fanchielover15

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Dress Design



Prom is coming up soon, and I need a dress. If I had some materials, some skill, and some imagination, I could make a dress. But, here is one idea of how I want my dress to look like^^
I made this up, but I got some ideas from my Prom Dress Magazine that I've had forever and never look at :lol:

Sorry about the brightness, scanner killed it^^

Tell me if you think it's pretty :heart:

Time Taken: about 1.5 hours
Used: Prismacolor Art Pencil and an inking pen
Image size
500x1033px 412.42 KB
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It's beautiful!!!! If tis was in stores, I'd definately wear it!

How do you create a dress design?