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When you don't have a camera to use, you look for an alternative to keep withdrawal to a minimum no? :giggle: well that's one of the sanest things to do or I'd seriously die of boredom!

Anyway, during semester a couple of graphic designers and various people who work in the industry lectured one of our classes. Every week we had a new lecturer. This one class we were asked the question, 'What makes you different?', the short exercise was to do self portrait without actually doing a portrait.

Instinctively I though I'd do typography and actually base the text as if everything revolved around it, so the 'me' represents me symbolically. So the whole thing is based on things I like, colours I like, styles I like. I guess I could add more but I wanted to keep with a certain theme and feel. Lilac and blue always used to be my favourite colours :D and somehow I like pink...and I hated pink before :|

The actual exercise only allowed us time to do a sketch. I couldn't possibly have done this within 30 mins lol. I don't know how different this makes me but I think I was the only one in the class to do something based on typography, I guess she was expecting us to all have different takes on presenting ourselves, but in the end we all seemed to think alike.

This took me a week to do! I wanted to make it into an art piece :D. All vectors done in illustrator...makes me want to get a tablet so badly to cut down on time. The toughest part was the background! argh, then I settled for this...background took me about 2 days to decide on haha...I was dreaded to leave it white.

I intend on making more, gunna make some for the peeps in my family, as this is an improvement from my first works like this -> The fun side of life

All vectors are mine except, the butterfly on the camera that I edited - [link]
the hibiscus and the birds.

Hope you like :)

More typographic pieces

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1575x1233px 1.09 MB
© 2009 - 2024 FaMz
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Sander-Seto's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

What must I say? There are so many details... The ladybird, the tree, the camera, the A+, the birds, the cat, the clouds and so go on. I love it!
And I love the ''simple'' look. It's a typography piece that shows your interests and who you are, which is a beautiful concept.
It would be a good T-shirt design, no doubt.

The next time I would concentrate more on how to make the vector look more detailed tho. A hint: the more layers you make, the more detail it will have. Work more on the ''highlights'' for the final thouch, it could be also great for the colouring and the lighting.

Keep it up tho, I want to see more!