2022 Sailor Moon Donations for Prizes for a Panel! by lilly-peacecraft, journal
2022 Sailor Moon Donations for Prizes for a Panel!
Hello Everyone!
It's that time of year again. Going in our 15th year of collecting donations. My name is lilly-peacecraft (https://www.deviantart.com/lilly-peacecraft) and I want to share with you all that my "Sailor Moon ROARING Through The DECADES" panel will be collecting donations from Sailor Moon such as art work, crafts and cosplay photos from the manga, anime, musical and live action(pgsm) starting January 1, 2022. (See Deadlines Listing) (All the donations that is turn will be presented at all the conventions that I attend in 2022) Please provide your bios (summary about yourself) or contact information attach to all the donations for the winners to look you all up and cont