FamiliarOddlings on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/familiaroddlings/art/Betta-blue-and-yellow-spade-415047296FamiliarOddlings

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FamiliarOddlings's avatar

Betta - blue and yellow spade



You might not know this about me, but I am obsessed with betta fish. I adore them! I love how predatory and feisty they are -- even their anti-social nature charms me. Their gorgeous fins and colors are breath-taking and the best part? Only the boys get this fancy and froufrou. :aww: I can spend hours looking at picture after picture of these fabulous living ornaments.

Here is something I've been working on off and on for a while. Trying to capture the fancy fins and colors with felt was very challenging but ultimately quite rewarding. The "scales" effect needs work, I think, but I'm so proud that he can stand on his own!

This guy is a halfmoon tail with dragon scale coloring... There's more to categorizing the particular characteristics of their colors and tails so if someone wants to tell me how you would identify this one, please let me know in a comment.

Needle felted wool over pipe cleaner with fish sticker eyes from a fly shop. He's about five inches long.

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900x739px 535.79 KB
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Haley-The-Coyote's avatar
I have a pet one. Betta Fish 2 Betta Fish 3 Fish 3 Betta Fish 2 Betta Fish 3 Fish 3 Betta Fish 2 Betta Fish 3 betta fish emoji betta fish emoji betta fish emoji betta fish emoji betta fish emoji betta fish emoji betta fish emoji betta fish emoji