PREP - Unlimited Scarfox MYO Sale by DarciKeylock, journal
PREP - Unlimited Scarfox MYO Sale
Since the group is going to be closed from January 15th to February 28th I have decided to push up the MYO Raffle sale and make it a little intriguing to allow more chances for those who do not own or would like another fox.
On December 26th at 12:00 PM EST, there will be an UNLIMITED MYO SALE journal open for 10 minutes ONLY. I wanted to give you guys a heads up that way you have time to adjust. There will be a clock on the front page to help you see how much time you have. Please tell your friends so everyone has a chance to obtain one. FTOs are welcome.
I will be making two sections for people to comment claim their MYO slot and one for asking questions. Please read below for the rules for the event. I will post a new journal once the countdown date arrives. One new thing that will be added is the Very Rare MYO Slots to be purchased only at this time.
All Scarfox Rules apply. Please if you’re new read them and remember where to submit your MYO for