Abandoned Hotz Building 17Falln-Stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/falln-stock/art/Abandoned-Hotz-Building-17-32763619Falln-Stock

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Abandoned Hotz Building 17



This shot is on the main floor, in one of the many rooms.

Finding The House:
Driving down a street in the very vacant town of Tescott Kansas, when i looked over and saw this huge house! .. er... building. I honestly cannot tell what this was, and i cant find any records on it either. I dont think it was a 'house' exactly, simply because some of the other structures on the property, and the way the building was designed, inside as well as out.
There was once a fire there, i know that much because of some charred remains i found.
The building sat in the center of a vast field, surrounded by dead trees. Beautifully eerie :D
On the top of the building above the two main windows, in the stone it reads "H. Hotz 1905" I was so excited to stumble upon this place that i could hardly wait for the car to stop moving before i jumped out :giggle: lol.

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