Castiel 187 x Desert Royalty 506FallenClockwork on DeviantArt

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Castiel 187 x Desert Royalty 506



Castiel 187 x Desert Royalty 506

You have no idea how excited I am for this baby. There aren't even words.
I just wish I would have had a little more time to get something a bit more decent up. I feel like no justice has been done. I may try another one if I get a chance to sit down and get something done. 
For now, I hope this is okay.  c:

Castiel 187 /c/ *AhernStables
Desert Royalty 506 /c/ *sazzy-riza
artwork /c/ ~FallenClockwork
Image size
1223x789px 962.95 KB
© 2013 - 2025 FallenClockwork
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AhernStables's avatar
They look lovely together :)