R-Series:  Sever Sakai 03FallenAngelSefra on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fallenangelsefra/art/R-Series-Sever-Sakai-03-100755887FallenAngelSefra

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R-Series: Sever Sakai 03



Back to the first page, this was the big "action pose" I made for Sever, showing off his primary special ability and his absolute confidence in it's strength.

"Personal Barrier"
A spherical barrier which surrounds Sever and prevents any and all enemy attacks from reaching him. The barrier can be increased or decreased in size, and can be used to protect himself only or an entire group. Sever's Personal Barrier is of the highest possible rank and is virtually invincible. It would take an incredible force just to crack it. So long as Sever is conscious, the barrier can be maintained almost indefinitely. It is his ultimate defense.

The Personal Barrier suffers from few flaws. However, it cannot prevent gaseous substances, like air, smoke, etc, from passing through. Additionally, Sever is still bound by the laws of physics... though the barrier can absorb a great deal of an attacks force and momentum, a strong enough blow will still send Sever and his safety net flying. Finally, Sever's barriers are his only defense, should any attack make it past them it would cause significant damage to his otherwise fragile body.

Seraphan is somehow able to break through Sever's barriers with ease. For this reason alone does Sever follow his command. No other individual has yet to break one of Sever's Personal Barriers.

The mini-Sever and mini-Baz at the bottom were added on later, when I decided that I needed something like a height comparison chart for Baz. More on Baz shortly...
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