What would you do...

1 min read

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falingard's avatar
...for a free deviantart premium membership?

(Yes, this is totally related to the "give one, get one free" deal - Just looking for someone to give one to so I can get mine free)

Incidentally, I haven't forgotten about the remaining free sketches, those are still getting done. I've just been busy and sick.



Flaky Pastry - My weekly webcomic!

Jogging - My not-quite-daily sketchblog!

Also ask questions on FormSpring

Commissions: No.
Art Trades: If I devwatch you, chances are YES. Otherwise no.

© 2012 - 2025 falingard
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GlytchMeister's avatar
Some suggestions would help immensely. Considering this is deviantART, most of us would offer you our own art, but seeing as a premium membership costs as little as $2.50 per month (12 month pre-paid price= $29.95 divided by 12= $2.495833333), some considerations ought to be made.

So, the real question is, what do you want us to do that is, all in all, worth less than a dozen 2-liters of soda?