Miss OC Pageant Round 2 - Zintielfalingard on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/falingard/art/Miss-OC-Pageant-Round-2-Zintiel-395733844falingard

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falingard's avatar

Miss OC Pageant Round 2 - Zintiel



This round is about fitness and confidence, apparently. You want confidence? Zintiel's confident. Enough to pick a fight with sharks! And fitness? Well she's fighting sharks, isn't she?

I waffled a lot on the design of the actual suit. I like to think I ended up with something sporty and sexy.

Many thanks to *persekore, who provided the inspiration for this picture. :D

Still having lots of fun!


No actual sharks (or elves) were harmed in the making of this picture. For the record, sharks are awesome, and I don't condone any sort of violence against them. Especially not finning; i.e. cutting off their fins and dumping them back in the water to die, just so some rich folks can have their soup. That is disgusting, and unfortunately it's happening, on our planet, hundreds of thousands of times daily.
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Vreatif's avatar
SHe is one of the toughest elves in the Univerce!