Current Residence: Montreal, Quebec
Skin of choice: My own
Personal Quote: Indeed.
Are you...ALIVE?
AH! after binge watching your comic, i finally found your DA! Just wanted to say i'm a big fan of the comic! <3 I look forward to your weekly updates, it makes me smile every time <3 it's an honour to finally be watching you <3
Thank you for makin' these dificult times a lil bit easier this year <3
Hey are you on any other artsites than DA? I'm having trouble with eclipse and would like to follow your work elsewhere.
Hhmhmmhmmm not right now! I mean, there's my comic, of course. And I'll often post things on my twitter, or my comic's facebook page, or in my comic's discord...
Sorry to hear about your eclipse troubles! It's been annoying but mostly tolerable on my end.
Also I just noticed your Utena spoof banner on here, love it. XD
Could I get a link to your twitter?
It started not letting me look at art from people I follow on the home page. ^_^;
But to be fair its great for finding new artists to follow.
It's not hard to guess ;)