Falbe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/falbe/art/Collab-Foraging-Gecko-4-765142740Falbe

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Collab Foraging Gecko 4



3/3 of the collabs with GECK0-RPG I finished today :3

Import: Souta 635
Nicknames (Lit only): /
Relevant items/bonuses:
- Horn of Beasts: Increase the chances of finding companions in any activity.
- Fortunes Favor: Increases the chance to bring back a random amount of beads in any activity.
- Jynx the Sweet Pea: When drawn alongside your beast, Jynx has a chance to bring back any items that catch her eye! This includes traits.

Import: Sorbet 695
Nicknames (Lit only): /
Relevant items/bonuses:
- Mamota's Messenger: This owl has a sharp eye for spirit related items like Trait Shards, essence, and other items.
- Jynx the Sweet Pea: When drawn alongside your beast, Jynx has a chance to bring back any items that catch her eye! This includes traits.
- Spectral Trilobite: Has a chance to bring back Trait Shards, although most are unsure how this little guy can hold them.

Import: Spirit E29
Nicknames (Lit only): /
Relevant items/bonuses:
- Horn of Beasts: Increase the chances of finding companions in any activity.
- Jynx the Sweet Pea: When drawn alongside your beast, Jynx has a chance to bring back any items that catch her eye! This includes traits.
- Mamota's Messenger: This owl has a sharp eye for spirit related items like Trait Shards, essence, and other items.
- Sunray Mesonyx: This animal is cunning, dislikes mail runners, and will occasionally bring back Hide Wrapped Packages.

Image size
1508x654px 299.01 KB
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