hi there. yeah, i have been 'dead' for a while here due to school, homework and what not. and am very sorry that. But no worries! i will be posting up a few graphics i've done during the past time.

I've done some gifs but, im not too sure how to make it work here. i tried a few weeks ago, but it said it couldn't read or support it.

March holidays are around the corner and i really hope my mom would allow me to use the internet. By then, i can post my graphics.

heheh, I've too, done some drawings or maybe more like doodling in school. i did my ever first sketched lips and nose!

i just hope my scanner doesnt go kaput and make it 'rough'.
today was my class photo session and guess what i brought into the picture? A DOCTOR WHO PICTURE!

i've actually printed out 3 copies of it. but unfortunately, the ink ran out and i had to colour over it. it only showed the outline of it and the blackground, though the background was no use as it was just plain black. so, i took my guide DW logo on the 2nd copy, and tried to colour it to look like the original. it came out pretty good! i was quite proud of it.

anyway, i will not babble any further. you'll just have to wait till the 11th of March.

till then, sorry and see you guys real soon!! <3
note: yeah, i did fill up all the 'mood'. its true, im doing it all.